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This site is reserved for the personal and private use of Internet users of legal age to purchase and consume alcohol, in countries and territories where the sale, advertising and consumption of alcoholic beverages are permitted by law. If you do not meet these conditions, you must immediately leave this site.
The Content is intended to be shared only with individuals of legal drinking age
The Spicy Cold Bro’ is a tribute to contrasts: a classic cream cold brew ventures into unexplored territory courtesy of 1883 Paint the Town Red Syrup. The deep flavors of the iced coffee mingle with the spicy and fruity notes of cumin, cherry and bell pepper, sweetly tempered by mango and rose, to create a vibrant experience. A drink where each flavor reveals its character.
Pour the chilled cold brew into a glass full of ice, so the cubes can release a refreshing and mellow sensation to balance out the intense notes of the coffee.
Add the 1883 Paint the Town Red Syrup, a blend that injects spicy heat and unexpected fruity elements.
Mix delicately to intertwine the flavors. Whip the cream in a small bowl until fluffy, then pour gently onto the cold brew to create a marbled effect.
Lastly, add a sprinkle of Espelette chili powder for a final burst of spice. Allow these layers to merge, and savor.