Ghiacciato Leche Latte - 1883 Maison Routin

Ghiacciato Leche Latte

A multi-seasons drink, easy and greedy, to be enjoyed without moderation.

Related products 1883 Dulce de Leche Syrup


    3cl 1883 Dulce de Leche syrup
    10cl vanilla ice cream
    15cl white chocolate milk
    Grated Tonka beans


    Make a soft white chocolate milk, then leave it cool down.
    In a blender, pour the syrup, a scoop of vanillia ice cream, the cold white chocolate milk and grated tonka bean.
    Complete with a half scoop of crushed ice.
    Mix until smooth.
    Pour in a Hurricane glass or a take away glass.
    Garnish with a whole tonka bean and with white chocolate shavings.


