Exotic Spritz Cup - 1883 Maison Routin

Exotic Spritz Cup

A nice non alcoholic Punch to share with family and friends.

Related products 1883 Spritz Syrup
Related products 1883 Coconut Syrup


    For 2L (8 glasses):
    15cl 1883 Spritz syrup
    10cl 1883 Coconut syrup
    40cl Ginger Beer
    4 passion fruits


    Remove the passion fruits seeds and pour them in the Punch Bowl.
    Pour all the ingredients (except the Ginger beer) in 2 small shaker tin.
    Fill with ice.
    Shake hard.
    Pour all in the Punch bowl.
    Fill of ice.
    Complete with Ginger Beer.
    Stir well.
    Garnish with pineapple leaves and slices, passion fruit, coconut powder, pink grapefruit and ginger.


